Our planet is going through a major evolutionary shift. So is the consciousness of man’s awareness and his connection to earth and all of humanity.
Anything is possible. We living in a very special age. We now have an amazing opportunity to free ourselves from all fears, all limits, all old traumas, disappointments, bitterness, anger, lack of love ... everything.
Somewhere inside of us all is the feeling that we can contribute, that we have something important to do. That we have gifts inside of us, and the conditions on different levels to contribute something to the Earth and the survival of humanity.
This is our primal behaviour, to be able to serve our people and the planet. If we allow ourselves to live purposely we will serve humanity and realise that we are not really disconnected from our mother earth and the rest of humanity as we thought we were.
We need each other. The planet, the people and ourselves. All is one