Hello, my name is Charles Muscat. I am the founder of this organisation, I would like to share my dream with you and together we can make a difference to humanity. Project One Planet (P.O.P.) is a non-profit charity foundation. It is the official fund raising and gift receiving organisation for the advancement of the disadvantaged communities world-wide. P.O.P. gives special thanks to the dedicated and enthusiastic efforts of countless supporters, including, donors, volunteers, and friends. The foundation maintains focus on creating a harmonious and balanced world by outreaching to communities. P.O.P. endeavours to increase public awareness to the needs of disadvantaged and less fortunate communities world-wide. I invite you to explore this site and enjoy reading about the extraordinary ways people like you and me can make a difference to many lives. P.O.P. is committed to provide basic necessities such as food, clothing and education to assist locals in gaining the necessary skills to become self supportive.